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For Readers

Here's a collection of literary posts that we didn't share on our reader blog last week but thought were worth sharing. The man behind Shakespeare's same-sex love sonnets (The Guardian)  Inside America's first gay mail-order book...
Here's the latest news on book bans, challenges, and other literary restrictions. An anthology for teens called Banned Together: Our Fight for Readers’ Rights comes out next spring (Book Riot)  Members of the literary world explain how...
Catch up quick with the bookish news of the past few days! VV Ganeshananthan and Naomi Klein win the Women’s Prize for fiction and nonfiction, respectively (The Guardian)  Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks his mind on Trump's rages in his...
The New York Times’s bestseller list for combined print and ebook fiction is out for the week ending June 7, 2024.  1. Eruption by Michael Crichton and James Patterson 2. Leather and Lark by Brynne Weaver 3. Camino Ghosts by John...

For Authors

The publishing experts we follow have plenty of business and marketing advice to offer. Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors: Leveraging media opportunities to boost book buzz (Writer Unboxed) The evolution of a...
Here's the craft advice from Jane Friedman's blog contributors that came in while we were away for a summer vacation. How naming a character is like naming a child (from author Ginny Kubitz Moyer) What do we really mean when we say "...
It can be hard to keep on top of all the blogs and news sources that aim to help writers. So here’s a roundup of posts from the Alliance of Independent Authors that authors might find valuable — but also might've missed earlier &...
Here's the craft advice from Writer's Digest that came in while we were away for a summer vacation. Responsibly writing characters different from you (from author John Copenhaver)  What your character's body language is saying (from...

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