Posted on November 23, 2020 at 8:44 AM by Guest Author
Looking for another way to promote your next title? Then you may want to create a book trailer.
Discover why trailers are valuable and how to create a great one.
Table of Contents
What Is a Book Trailer?
In case you’re unfamiliar with the concept, a book trailer is a short promotional video for a book.
As the term suggests, it functions like a movie trailer, giving people an in-depth look at a newly released or soon-to-be-released title.
However, there are a few key ways in which book trailers differ from movie trailers.
For example...
Book trailers tend to be much shorter than movie trailers, usually 30 to 90 seconds long.
Trailers for books are focused on teasing the audience without giving away too much.
Unlike movie trailers, which are displayed in previews, book trailers are meant to stand alone.
When you create a book trailer, you use video to introduce the plot, main character(s), and general tone of your work.
Ultimately, it’s about engaging potential readers and getting them familiar with the narrative.
Done right, it can be a highly effective way of increasing downloads and selling more books.
5 Reasons to Create a Book Trailer
Although book trailers first appeared around 2002 and have since become more common, many authors have yet to jump on the bandwagon.
If this is true in your case, then you may be wondering if it’s worth it to create a book trailer for your next book.
To help you decide, we put together some noteworthy benefits of developing a trailer for one of your titles.
Let’s dive in...
1. It lets you take advantage of the popularity of video.
Make no mistake — video continues to be an incredibly popular type of content. People watch videos every day for educational and entertainment purposes.
So, it makes sense to engage potential readers using this medium.
Just take a look at the following statistics:
77% of U.S. internet users between the ages of 18 and 25 use YouTube.
Approximately 239.4 million people in the United States are digital video viewers.
Every day, more than 4 billion video views take place on Facebook.
What this means for you as an author is that there’s a huge opportunity available to you when you create a book trailer.
2. It can help you build credibility as an author.
To build credibility as an author, you have to do more than just prove you’re a talented writer.
You also have to publicize yourself and show that you take your career seriously.
The good news is that developing a high-quality book trailer can help.
First, by demonstrating that you’ve put time and effort into your work, including your marketing materials.
Second, by showing that your storytelling abilities extend beyond the written word.
Of course, it won’t make you an overnight success or give you instant authority.
However, a book trailer can go a long way in helping you establish yourself as a professional author.
3. It allows you to reach a broader audience.
By nature, video is easy to consume and share. Therefore, when you create a book trailer, you give potential readers a fun and simple way to learn what your book is about.
Moreover, you increase your book’s exposure by creating something people are more likely to share with others.
To get the most out of your book trailer, it’s important to feature it in various places, including...
On your website
On your book’s Amazon sales page
On your social media pages
On literary websites
In your email signature
At events
In doing so, you can reach a broader audience and get in front of those who aren’t familiar with your work already.
4. It can leave a lasting impression.
Book trailers combine audio and visual components to deliver a more well-rounded sensory experience than just text or graphics.
This means your video has the potential to leave a lasting impression on viewers. Plus, it can help your book stand out from others that don’t offer a synopsis in this medium.
If the premise is appealing to potential readers, they’ll be more likely to remember it later.
And, with any luck, they’ll go on to download it for free or purchase it from a retailer — however you choose to make it available.
5. It gives you an additional piece of marketing collateral.
As mentioned previously, many authors don’t put the time and effort into creating book trailers, which means you can stand out from the crowd by producing one for your next title.
Although a trailer is no substitute for a well-designed cover and attention-grabbing book blurb, it can serve as an additional piece of marketing collateral.
And rest assured, it’s one that can provide great results if developed and distributed correctly.
According to Comscore, readers are 64% more likely to purchase your book if they see a trailer promoting it!
Best Practices for Creating a Great Book Trailer
Whether you decide to create the trailer yourself or hire outside help, there are some best practices to follow...
Ensure your book trailer fits within your overall book marketing strategy.
Decide on the type of book trailer you want to create.
Storyboard your trailer beforehand and write a script.
Take the time to develop a powerful hook.
Use high-quality audio (e.g., music and/or voiceover) and graphics.
Make sure the music and images you use are relevant to your book.
Highlight positive reviews from readers and media outlets.
Include a call to action at the end, letting readers know where to get the book.
Cut your trailer down so it’s no longer than 90 seconds.
By following the tips above, you can create a book trailer that captures your audience’s attention and encourages potential readers to take the next step.
Although it does require an investment of time and money, putting together a video introducing your book can be a highly effective tactic.
Done correctly, it can help you build your credibility, reach a broader audience, and more.
So, if you’re looking for another way to promote your book, be sure to follow best practices and create a book trailer that you can feature online as part of your book marketing strategy.
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Categories: Behind the scenes