Posted on May 20, 2024 at 1:07 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The publishing experts we follow have plenty of craft advice to offer.
Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:
The storyteller: Becca Puglisi covers the basics of this character type and trope (Writers Helping Writers).
Put characters in conflict: Author Kris Bock offers two questions to ask about a character in order to elicit the kind of conflict that strengthens your story (Women Writers, Women's Books).
How to write YA stories with hope: Author Shivaun Plozza provides her guiding principles on the kind of hope that will resonate with young-but-mature readers (Writer's Digest).
Five tips for writing a fast-paced fantasy novel: Author Hana Lee describes the lessons she learned in hopping on this literary trend (Writer's Digest).
Three genre-crossing blunders to avoid: Novelist Andromeda Romano-Lax warns against these errors made w hen moving from historical and literary fiction to suspense (Women Writers, Women's Books).
Troubleshooting your story's ending: K.M. Weiland explains why a writer who's struggling with their ending needs to take a bigger-picture look in order to fix it (Helping Writers Become Authors).
Categories: Behind the scenes