Posted on February 4, 2025 at 2:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

The publishing experts we follow have plenty of craft advice to offer. 

Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:

  • The wave technique for scene structure: Susan DeFreitas walks writers through a method that will ensure something changes by the end of each scene — and that readers have kept with the book through then (Jane Friedman).

  • Book structure for disorganized writers: Focusing on scenes can also help you if, like Jenny Hansen, you're not – not always or not ever — a linear thinker and find yourself struggling to finish projects when you push yourself to work that way (Writers Helping Writers).

  • A love song for historical fiction for teens: L.M. Elliott dismisses the myth that teens don't like historical fiction and identifies the qualities in a historical fiction novel that will resonate with an older-but-still-young reader (Writer's Digest).

  • How to avoid body-shaming in your books: Author Paulette Stout offers eight pieces of advice for ensuring your fiction doesn't perpetuate harmful ideas about body shapes and sizes, noting that many readers — herself included — are setting aside novels that do contain these stereotypes (Women Writers, Women's Books).

  • Aristotle for novelists: Joanna Penn and Douglas Vigliotti discuss how story is far more important than writing, among other topics including tips for pitching podcast interviews and for balancing craft with sales and marketing (The Creative Penn).

Categories: Behind the scenes

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