Posted on April 4, 2019 at 10:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
There are two types of Iowa residents: those who embrace the state’s political-hotbed status and those who want to hide under a blanket until it’s all over.
And among the former group is a particularly passionate cluster of Democrats who have decided to read the memoirs of each of the contenders for 2020 presidential nominee.
It all started, according to the Des Moines Register, when Andrea Phillips, the Iowa Democratic Party vice chair, wanted to tweet about Pete Buttigieg’s book.
But she worried that it would seem like she was playing favorites, so naturally, her next thought was: Why not read each candidate's memoir and enlist other political junkies to join?
Learn more about the Iowa 2020 Book Club (and join, if you’re so inclined ... we’ll pass ... ) in the Register.
Categories: Today in Books