Posted on November 18, 2020 at 8:17 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The 2020 Booker Prize — delayed not by a pandemic but by a presidential memoir — will be awarded tomorrow.
As a reminder, the six contenders are:
The New Wilderness, by Diane Cook.
This Mournable Body, by Tsitsi Dangarembga.
Burnt Sugar, by Avni Doshi.
The Shadow King, by Maaza Mengiste.
Real Life, by Brandon Taylor.
Shuggie Bain, by Douglas Stuart.
If you’re curious about how an author comes to envision a novel that winds up under consideration for such a prestigious prize, the Guardian has the answers, straight from the writers’ mouths.
And if you’re wondering who’s favored to win, the New York Times has a quick-hits piece on the likeliness of each finalist taking home the prize.
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