Posted on December 15, 2020 at 8:18 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Literary Hub has done some extremely heavy lifting, for which we are quite grateful.
Specifically, they’ve condensed the 952 books appearing on over forty best-of lists to create one list to rule them all.
Head to Lit Hub to see all of the books that appeared on at least six best-of lists, grouped by total appearances; we grabbed the eight most frequently chosen ones for your quick perusing.
The Vanishing Half, by Brit Bennett (25 mentions)
Leave the World Behind, by Rumaan Alam (20 mentions)
Transcendent Kingdom, by Yaa Gyasi (17 mentions)
Luster, by Raven Leilani (16 mentions)
Deacon King Kong, by James McBride (16 mentions)
Hamnet, by Maggie O’Farrell (15 mentions)
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson (15 mentions)
Memorial, by Bryan Washington (14 mentions)
Categories: Today in Books