Posted on July 1, 2022 at 2:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Those of us with three-day weekends for the Fourth of July might have the time to read a particularly sizable book.
But the desire?
Well, given that the contents are exclusively Brazil's tax code, that seems less likely.
Brazilian lawyer Vinícios Leôncio spent over twenty years compiling this, er, niche work as a way to protest the "excessive complexity" of the tax code.
He finished his work back in 2014, producing a 41,000-plus-page-long work on 8.5-feet-by-11-feet paper.
(That accommodates a 22-point font.)
Read more about Leôncio’s Pátria Amada (or Beloved Homeland) at Lowering The Bar.
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Categories: Today in Books
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