Posted on August 11, 2022 at 10:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Raymond Briggs, who wrote and illustrated books over the course of six decades, has died.

One might characterize his works — The Snowman, Father Christmas, Fungus the Bogeyman, and When the Wind Blows, to name a few — as children's books, but the Guardian's obituary for him says he pushed back at that label.

"After a child has learned to read fluently, at about eight or nine, then the whole idea of categorising them seems a bit daft," he told the paper in 1999.

Briggs died Tuesday at the age of eighty-eight.

You can read more about Briggs's extensive writing career in his obituary and also follow up on what he meant to readers and writers in the Guardian's memorial piece for him.

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