Posted on February 20, 2024 at 7:45 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Trad-pub release day means excerpts galore on literary blogs and websites.
Literary Hub has an excerpt of Ours by Phillip B. Williams.
Ours takes its title from a town that serves as a refuge to formerly enslaved people.
But as time passes and memories of slavery's horrors fade, residents begin to wonder whether this sanctuary is also another prison.
Book Riot has an excerpt of The Guest by B.A. Paris.
The Guest's titular character is Laure, who moves into a married couple's home while they're off on vacation.
Her hosts try to be supportive, as she's just found out her husband had been leading a double life, but as she wears out her welcome, they turn to another couple ... who aren't without their own baggage.
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