Posted on January 27, 2025 at 12:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Catch up quick with the bookish news of the past few days ... or take a deeper dive into each story. Your choice! 

  • Dark Horse Comics will no longer publish comic adaptations of works by author Neil Gaiman, after multiple, graphic complaints of sexual abuse by him have emerged (The Hollywood Reporter).

  • Derek Humphry, author of several books on exercising the right to die, including most notably Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying, died January 2 at age ninety-four (The New York Times).

  • Bloomsbury and Amazon have come to a trade agreement after what Bloomsbury characterized as a surprise threat to pull the retailer's books from its website, though Amazon argues that it in fact tried to communicate, to no avail, with Bloomsbury (The Bookseller).

  • Mosab Abu Toha, the founder of Edward Said Public Library, has confirmed the destruction of what was Gaza's first English-language library (Literary Hub). 

  • A coder has created what's called a "tar pit," which indefinitely traps AI-training web crawlers, and named it Nepenthes after the genius of carnivorous plants (404 Media).

Categories: Today in Books

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