Posted on January 27, 2025 at 12:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Catch up quick with the bookish news of the past few days ... or take a deeper dive into each story. Your choice!
Dark Horse Comics will no longer publish comic adaptations of works by author Neil Gaiman, after multiple, graphic complaints of sexual abuse by him have emerged (The Hollywood Reporter).
Derek Humphry, author of several books on exercising the right to die, including most notably Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying, died January 2 at age ninety-four (The New York Times).
Bloomsbury and Amazon have come to a trade agreement after what Bloomsbury characterized as a surprise threat to pull the retailer's books from its website, though Amazon argues that it in fact tried to communicate, to no avail, with Bloomsbury (The Bookseller).
Mosab Abu Toha, the founder of Edward Said Public Library, has confirmed the destruction of what was Gaza's first English-language library (Literary Hub).
A coder has created what's called a "tar pit," which indefinitely traps AI-training web crawlers, and named it Nepenthes after the genius of carnivorous plants (404 Media).
Categories: Today in Books