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For Readers

Three recent posts all seemed to center on ways for readers to resist movements that are threatening literature. With February being National Library Lovers Month, Katie McLain Horner explains how to become involved in defending your local library ag...
Catch up quick with the bookish news of the past few days ... or take a deeper dive into each story. Your choice!  The sixteen titles on the Women's Prize for Nonfiction longlist have been revealed; a shortlist comes out March 26, and the wi...
Catch up quick with the politics-adjacent bookish news of the past few days. The National Endowment for the Arts has canceled the Challenge America grant — which supported projects to bring arts to underserved groups — for fiscal yea...
Catch up quick with the bookish news of the past few days ... or take a deeper dive into each story. Your choice!  Barbara Kingsolver has used royalties from her award-winning novel Demon Copperhead to fund an addiction recovery house for women...

For Authors

The publishing experts we follow have plenty of business and marketing advice and news to offer. Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors: How authors can price their books for profit: Joe Solari invites authors to start...
Here's the latest craft advice from Writer's Digest. Why do you write about death?: Gayle Forman explains the approach she takes to writing about sadder realities for younger readers.  Dos and don'ts of writing what you know: Natali...
It can be hard to keep on top of all the blogs and news sources that aim to help writers. So here’s a roundup of posts from the Alliance of Independent Authors that authors might find valuable — but also might've missed earlier &...
It can be hard to keep on top of all the blogs and news sources that aim to help writers. So here’s a roundup of posts from Writer Unboxed that authors might find valuable — but also might've missed earlier, especially if their RSS fe...

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