Posted on July 14, 2019 at 12:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

A writer’s own life can certainly serve as inspiration, whether it results in a memoir or the tiniest plot point in a novel.

But your story doesn’t even have to turn into anything publishable, says writer Lara Zielin.

Zielin, a young adult and romance author, had hit a personal and professional low some time ago.

It dawned on her that one way to work through each might be to write herself into her own hero’s journey, a process she shared on The Creative Penn.

The idea — which was a success — wasn't to keep a diary, but rather to take a step back and examine her daily decisions and actions while also easing herself back into the habit of writing, with no creative pressure.

(And, along the lines of personal care, you may also want to check out another guest post on Joanna Penn’s site, about how writers can stay physically healthy.)

Categories: Behind the scenes

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