Posted on August 16, 2022 at 9:40 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Librarians are under fire across the nation, but they're not taking the vitriol lying down.

The Hill reports that a librarian in Louisiana has filed a lawsuit against two men and a conservative organization that falsely damaged her reputation and incited expressions of violence against her. 

The harassment started after Amanda Jones, a middle school librarian and president of the Louisiana Association of School Librarians, voiced her opposition to removing books from the Livingston Parish Library system at a board meeting.

In response, her lawsuit says, the men and Citizens for a New Louisiana began accusing her online of wanting to share pornographic material with children.

Meanwhile, in Iowa, a library has decided to keep LGBTQ inclusive books on the shelves, but not without opposition from the community.

KETV reports that the Logan Public Library in southwest Iowa received two complaints about a book about LGBTQ pioneer Harvey Milk, which had been in the collection since 2018.

Several community members, who were not identified by name, came to a Monday night meeting to add their voices to the complaints.

However, the author of And That's Their Family, another LGBTQ-friendly book, was among those at the board's meeting Monday night speaking in favor of keeping the books in the library.

The library board meets again in September to discuss proposals from a community member about what future displays should look like.

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