Posted on September 25, 2015 at 12:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Forget the stereotype of librarians as stuffy and staid.

Fussy’s favorite theme among the links she’s browsed these past few weeks has been that of for-adults-only.

Nothing in this post will flag your employer’s naughtiness filters, but clicking the links just might ... so browse with caution.

Historians now say the first recorded use of the F-word — the one your smartphone likely thinks is a mistyping of “duck” — is Dec. 8, 1310, rather than approximately 1475.

Speaking of, um, ducking: Two New York Times contributors recently explained why we ought to read books considered obscene.

In public, though? A Huffington Post writer considered that question, after reading a steamy passage while on an airplane, and concluded that it’s OK (as long as it doesn’t inspire you to re-enact any scenes ... ).

If the HuffPo contributor’s reading material had been one of the 400-plus romance novels whose covers feature model Jason Baca, her seatmate probably wouldn’t have asked about its contents.

It’s starting to seem like Fussy has only one thing on her mind .... so we’ll share one link that isn’t just about sex: author Warren Adler’s opinion that fiction should not strive to be politically correct.

Categories: Favorites

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