Posted on July 6, 2018 at 11:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Scottish nationalists are taking umbrage at some recent comments from J.K. Rowling.
The Guardian reports that the drama started with a column in a pro-Scottish-independence newspaper. An advance excerpt from the piece read:
Setting the English up as our automatic enemy doesn’t help us walk away from the Union mindset or its relentless pecking order. And yet like a packet of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes scoffed with cold milk late at night – it’s almost irresistible.
Rowling called that quote “Crunchy Nut nationalism” and tweeted: “Warning: may contain traces of bigotry.”
When another Twitter user asked why she thought Scottish nationalists were bigots, Rowling followed up with a series of screenshots of offensive tweets from such groups.
This didn’t go over particularly well with pro-nationalists or The National, the paper where the full column will appear, which responded:
We condemn all the views in those tweets, but the idea that such a tiny sample size is representative of the Yes movement is staggeringly wrong – particularly in the face of so many representing the opposite view.
Read the full story at The Guardian.
Categories: Today in Books