Posted on March 18, 2019 at 8:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

If you binged on the new Hulu show Shrill this weekend, you’ll want to check out Ari Shapiro’s interview with Lindy West, whose memoir serves as the basis of the series.

For the uninitiated, Shrill’s particular angle is about being feminist and body positive, in a world that doesn’t exactly embrace the larger physique.

West helped adapt her book into the TV show and told Ari Shapiro that her goal was to avoid making an after-school special.

"The reality of being a fat person isn't that every moment of your life is about being fat," she says.

"It's that you're trying to live the same kind of complicated, exciting, fun, beautiful, difficult life as everyone else."

Listen to what else she had to say about creating both works below or read a transcript of her interview with Shapiro on NPR’s website.

Categories: Author Interview

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