Posted on May 15, 2019 at 10:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Lady Chatterley’s Lover and David Copperfield have made the news again — this time, in the form of extremely significant editions.

For the former: The copy of D.H. Lawrence’s novel used in its trial for obscenity has been barred from leaving the United Kingdom, according to the Guardian.

The country's arts minister made the move to prevent the completion of its sale to an overseas buyer, with the hope that a UK buyer will match the asking price of £56,250 (about $72,350).

For the latter: The copy of Charles Dickens’s novel that Captain Robert Scott took on an Antarctic expedition has gone on display in a London museum (this also according to the Guardian).

Scott and his men were trapped in a cave for seven months as part of an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to reach the South Pole; they spent sixty of those days reading a chapter or two of David Copperfield out loud to keep morale up.

If you have any plans to be in London in the near future, be sure to visit this book in the Charles Dickens Museum.

Categories: Today in Books

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