Posted on August 28, 2019 at 8:23 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

We love being able to access our local library branch from wherever we have a mobile device, WiFi (to save on that data plan), and our preferred e-reading device.

But all of those criteria aren’t always met, nor is everyone comfortable with the technology needed on the fly.

Enter Pop Up Library, a service provided by library book distributor Baker & Taylor.

The Digital Reader explains that Pop Up Library streamlines access for users: All they have to do is notice the posters in a location, pick the library-branded WiFi network, and browse Pop Up Library’s selections.

You don’t need a library card, nor do you need an app; books open in your device browser and can be downloaded for offline reading during the loan period.

It’s not the first mobile library service, nor is it the first to arrive in an airport, but the news that the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport added a Baker & Taylor pop-up library caught the Digital Reader's eye (and, thus, ours).

Other library branches using Pop Up Library include the Chicago suburb of Evanston, which offers it at health facilities and community centers, and New Jersey’s Morris County, which has added branches to justice centers and homeless shelters.

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Categories: Today in Books

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