Posted on September 4, 2019 at 4:46 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
We’ve had a few good breaks in our lives, but nothing like this: Hundreds of U.S. readers received their copies of The Testaments a full week early.
Penguin Random House said eight hundred books of Margaret Atwood’s hotly anticipated sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale went out early “due to a retailer error which has now been rectified.”
The retailer in question? Amazon. That surely didn't help soothe the other booksellers who obeyed Penguin's strict embargoes:
Back in May, I signed an embargo agreement on behalf of my bookstore stating that I would "ensure that [#TheTestaments] is stored in a monitored and locked, secured area and not placed on the selling floor prior to the on-sale date."
— Lexi Beach (@lexiatwork) September 4, 2019
(You can read the full thread here.)
Despite the leak, Penguin says the official publishing date will remain September 10.
You can read more reaction, both to the book and to the broken embargo, in the Guardian and the Bookseller.
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