Posted on October 23, 2019 at 8:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The Booker Prize doesn’t just bring glory to its authors — it provides a huge boost in sales.
Bernardine Evaristo, who jointly won for Girl, Woman, Other, has doubled her lifetime sales of the book in the week after her historic win, according to the Guardian (citing Nielsen BookScan).
Bea Carvalho, fiction buyer for the British bookstore chain Waterstones, said Girl, Woman, Other has sold faster than its companion winner, Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments, and its prize victory has boosted sales of Evaristo’s backlist as well.
That said, the Guardian also pointed out that criticism of the dual victory hasn’t faded — in fact, it’s being augmented with complaints about how bookstores are treating the two winners.
Readers are noting, unsurprisingly, a shortage of Girl, Woman, Other, especially compared to The Testaments, and at least one sign seemed to credit Atwood with a solo victory.
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