Posted on August 30, 2020 at 4:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson found himself the butt of many a joke recently, when viewers took a closer look at the backdrop to a recent press conference.
The shelves of the library where Johnson spoke featured such titles as The Twits, Betrayed, Resistance, Exodus, and Fahrenheit 451.
Brits immediately assumed that the digs were aimed at Johnson and his government’s policies.
But, the Guardian reports, the librarian responsible for the pointed message had actually left it there for school management … before her February resignation.
The librarian, who requested to remain anonymous, said she felt a little bit sorry for the jokes at Johnson's expense but subtly reinforced her complaints about her former employer by noting that her message went undiscovered for six months.
That said, a school official responded to the Guardian that the library hasn't been used for five months, which we assume is related to COVID and not a tacit acknowledgment of the librarian's criticism.
Categories: Today in Books