Posted on September 17, 2020 at 8:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Today we're interviewing writer Tony Faggioli.
Faggioli is the author of eight supernatural and psychological thrillers, including his newest novel, Chalk Man, which will publish on October 9, 2020.
He is originally from Pittsburgh and currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two children.
SADYE: How did you come to see yourself as a writer, and what inspired you to seek publication?
TONY: My parents divorced when I was in kindergarten, and by fifth grade, I had grown up to be an extremely shy child.
I liked reading, and my teacher at the time suggested that I try expressing myself through writing.
In those first few paragraphs? Something inside of me came alive with a big sigh, and I continued writing all the way through junior college, before I took “a break” to pursue a more practical degree.
Ten years later, I returned to junior college for fun and took a creative writing class for, um, six semesters! I loved it so much that I just kept retaking the class.
I’d always been told that my writing was strong enough to be published so I decided to give it a go.
SADYE: Tell us something about your writing process that’s unusual or that you haven’t revealed before.
TONY: I always write the endings to my stories first, be it for a short story or a novel.
Then, I go back to the beginning and write my way to the ending. I don’t know why, but it motivates me like nothing else.
SADYE: Which of your characters would you most and least like to become romantically involved with?
TONY: Most likely? Easy. Maggie Kincaid, from my book The Snow Globe, who is by far and away my first literary love.
By that, I mean, the more I wrote her, the more I developed a crush on her. She was just so strong, and she had overcome so much, that I was mesmerized by her.
Least likely? Also, easy: La Patrona from my book Another One, who is a lustworthy villain of the highest order — and only asks for your soul in return! So. Yeah. I’d take a pass.
SADYE: What has been the most touching or memorable piece of reader feedback you’ve received?
TONY: I had a woman send me an email after she had just finished reading The Snow Globe.
She’d read in reviews that the book was about abuse and stalking, two things she’d endured during a horrible ten-year marriage.
After getting a divorce, her ex-husband first threatened to, and then actually tried to set the house on fire while she and their children were asleep inside.
Despite the triggers in the book, she pushed on and wrote to me to say how “incredibly cathartic” the novel was for her and to thank me for writing it!
I was knocked speechless.
SADYE: What message or theme would you like readers to take away from your work?
TONY: No one is beyond hope, and no one is beyond redemption.
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Learn more about Tony Faggioli on his website, where his books can also be purchased; like him on Facebook; and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.
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Categories: Author Interview