Posted on January 14, 2021 at 7:55 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

A song from the satirical musical Avenue Q expresses intense nostalgia for life as an undergrad.

If you too wish you could go back to college, we have a cheap and easy way for you to do that: with the Open Syllabus Project.

The website gathers the official reading lists for more than 2,500 colleges across the US, allowing you to at least read like you’re still working on that degree.

The Open Syllabus Project also enables the curious to observe trends in what schools are assigning.

Degree Query took full advantage of this capability, creating several graphics that listed the top books in different categories according to state, field of study, and more.

One takeaway? The most commonly assigned work of literature in the US is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, appearing on more than 5,000 syllabi and leading assignments in twelve different states.

We highly recommend checking out the Open Syllabus Project for a variety of analyses, such as how often Nobel Prize winners are taught, as well as Degree Query’s infographic.

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Categories: Today in Books

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