Posted on January 27, 2021 at 12:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
It’s not unusual for bookworms to be a little fired up over news that a beloved novel will become a movie.
And it’s also not unusual for them to suggest that a particular character was miscast.
Some fans of Nora Roberts, however, are flat-out livid to hear who’s playing Grace in an upcoming Netflix adaptation of Brazen Virtue.
The Guardian reports that almost a thousand Facebook comments appeared within an hour of Roberts announcing that Alyssa Milano would star in the movie, many of them not particularly pleased.
The cause for much of this outrage, according to the paper, came from Milano’s role in the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment and her criticism of Donald Trump’s administration.
Roberts said in a statement posted on her website that she was “simply and sincerely appalled” by the personal attacks on Milano and the promises to burn the author’s books and boycott her in the future.
Milano, says the Guardian, has not yet commented on the furor.
The Hollywood Reporter, by the way, has a neutral take on the adaptation of Brazen Virtue.
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