Posted on January 28, 2021 at 12:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Author Michael Lewis has shown a knack for making complex systems comprehensible — entertaining, even — to laypeople.
Moneyball and The Big Short even became movies.
But after those came 2018’s The Fifth Risk, which introduced Lewis to sources at government agencies that would be responsible for handling a previously unimaginable crisis.
Such possible crises? Cyberattacks on the electrical grid … or the wide spread of a deadly airborne virus.
Those sources are back in Lewis’s next work, The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, which will come out May 4.
The New York Times reports that the book will follow three characters — a biochemist, a public health worker, and a federal government employee who worked in the White House — as they realize the response to the emerging COVID-19 outbreak is inadequate.
Lewis has declined to identify those sources at this time, since they’re still hard at work in the pandemic response — he said he didn’t want to interfere with their efforts.
You can read more about The Premonition: A Pandemic Story and other nonfiction takes on the COVID outbreak in the New York Times.
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