Posted on August 5, 2021 at 12:19 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
If we lived in a more temperate environment, we’d be shrieking “shut up and take my money” at the Brazil-based design studio Siqueira + Azul Aquitetura.
To understand why, look no further than the book house annex it designed for a private home (described merely as being in Brazil).
The structure seems to provide the best of both worlds, with protection from the elements but also exposure to breezes and sunshine.
It was created, the studio told DesignBoom, so that the house’s occupant could enjoy their library in the fresh air and also spread out to do work there, too.
Admire the Brazilian book house annex at DesignBoom, and thanks to Literary Hub for the tip.
Categories: Today in Books