Posted on August 20, 2021 at 10:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
ARCs (advance review copies or advance reader copies) of books aren’t supposed to be sold.
In fact, there should be fairly prominent text to that effect on them.
That said, the culture of social media has meant that readers lucky enough to receive ARCs from popular authors aren’t hesitating to literally profit off that luck.
The Guardian reports that recently, ARCs of Sally Rooney’s Beautiful World, Where Are You (out September 7) and Jonathan Franzen's Crossroads (out October 5) were seen online for $209 and $124, respectively.
Rooney’s novels in particular are proving to be highly sought after, say publishing industry insiders.
Even a book bag that once held the ARC can bring in $80.
For more on the rising prestige (and prices) of ARCs, head to the Guardian.
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