Posted on October 13, 2022 at 12:30 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Judges for the T.S. Eliot Prize had quite the task in front of them this year.

The Guardian reports that a record number of books were submitted, which the chair of judges called a "reminder that, far from being silenced by crisis, poets rise to meet it through language."

They managed, however, to compile a shortlist that includes five debut collections, one past winner, one judge for the 2021 contest, and then three other worthy candidates. 

The winner, to be revealed January 16, receives £25,000 (about $28,300), with shortlisted poets being given £1,500 (about $1,700). 

Here are the contenders for Britain’s most prestigious award for poetry; you can learn more about them and the prize on the T.S. Eliot Foundation website:

Categories: Today in Books

Tagged As: Awards, Poetry

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