Posted on October 29, 2022 at 4:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Keri Blakinger, now a journalist, served a prison sentence after being caught in possession of heroin.
So she's not unaccustomed to running afoul of authorities.
But the most recent issue she's encountered certainly wasn't expected.
Blakinger's memoir about rising from these ashes, Corrections in Ink, is apparently under a temporary ban from the Florida state prison system.
NPR reports that a nonprofit called The Prison Book Program had attempted to send a copy of her memoir to an inmate in Florida's correction system, which instead impounded the book.
For its part, the Florida Department of Corrections told NPR that the book's future would be discussed at an upcoming meeting.
Still, Blakinger notes the irony of the situation.
"One of the reasons for the ban was that the book presents 'a threat to the security, order or rehabilitative objectives of the correctional system,'" she told NPR.
"The book is literally a story about rehabilitation."
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