Posted on February 6, 2023 at 8:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Today we're interviewing Anna Faversham, who writes time travel romance, historical romance, and speculative fiction.
Faversham lived most of her life in Kent, England, but she also lived in New Zealand and central Africa. Both had a lasting influence.
Africa dragged her love of writing to the surface. Living some forty miles from the nearest tarmac road and seventy from anything pretending to be a bookshop, she soon ran out of bedtime stories for the children. Scribbling began.
On returning to England, fiction had to take a back seat as real life took over. But a love of writing finally erupted into regular tap-tapping.
SADYE: How did you come to see yourself as a writer, and what inspired you to seek publication?
ANNA: I saw an article in my daily newspaper entitled "A Novel in a Year." It invited readers to get involved.
As I worked almost full-time, there was no way I could manage that — first draft, yes, but the polished manuscript — no.
However, it introduced me to other writers and an Arts Council writers' site (UK). And from there I learnt about publication, which enticingly beckoned.
SADYE: Which of your characters would you most like to become romantically involved with?
ANNA: Ooh, now that’s difficult. Possibly Chester in Immortality: This is Probably a Novel.
He’s an investigative journalist (I respect them enormously, well most of them). With a cool head, he encountered events that would have broken many a man — but not him.
SADYE: What have been the most surprising, rewarding, and challenging parts of your writing career?
ANNA: Surprising? The number of friends, both cyber and actual, that I have made.
Rewarding? Researching facts and history. I like to get the facts right and the history can be fascinating and absorbing.
Challenging? Finding enough time to write!
SADYE: What message or theme would you like readers to take away from your work?
ANNA: Each of my books has a different theme, which I hope becomes clear and is something for readers to reflect on long after they’ve finished the book.
Hide in Time: Righting wrongs.
One Dark Night: We owe so much to those who hurt us.
Under a Dark Star: All that it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.
One Dark Soul: Redemption — is it ever too late?
Immortality: This is Probably a Novel: We ignore Hell at our peril!
Mistake in Time: Mistakes are not always a bad thing — we can learn a lot from them.
SADYE: What experience in your past or general aspect of your life has most affected your writing?
ANNA: My whole life has given me more than enough to play with. The people I’ve met have inspired me too.
Thank you, Fussy, as I affectionately call you, for giving me the chance to connect with readers.
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Learn more about Anna Faversham on her website, where her books can also be purchased, and follow her on Goodreads.
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Categories: Author Interview