Posted on May 4, 2023 at 1:58 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Well, we didn't mean for this afternoon to be all about book-related battles, but these are the times we live in.

Have you ever wondered which author has been most often challenged?.

Well, WordsRated, a research data and analytics group, used the American Library Association's information on banned and challenged titles to create such a list (at least as far as the past couple of decades in the US go).

And so, according to WordsRated, the top three most frequently challenged authors are Toni Morrison, Judy Blume, and Robert Cormier, in descending order.

Meanwhile, Literary Hub is also calling positive attention to a bookstore in Wasilla, Alaska (yes, the hometown of former vice presidential candidate and former Gov. Sarah Palin).

Black Birch Books is evidently receiving negative and sometimes threatening comments and reviews for announcing a drag story time in June.

We'll add our own kudos to owner Taylor Jordan, who is specifically not removing the negative comments on posts and events, because she believes "that everyone gets a say."

(Which doesn't mean canceling her event.)

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Categories: Today in Books

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