Posted on October 12, 2023 at 1:17 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
As we know, the freedom to read is under never-seen-before levels of pressure.
Here are a few recent stories that cover both the threats and efforts to push back.
Suspect arrested in connection to library bomb threats: Since mid-July, public libraries in the Chicagoland area received bomb threats; Jacob Spiro, who now faces pair of felony charges in these cases, doesn't appear to have been operating from a political agenda but rather mental health challenges (BookRiot).
Alabama library flagged a book because the author’s last name is "Gay": A spokesperson for the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library system admits that software wrongly flagged the picture book Read Me a Story, Stella by Marie-Louise Gay but says the book was never removed; the book's publisher says the "ridiculousness" of the false alarm shouldn't distract us from the very real issue of book bans (NBC News).
The Electric Lit staff recommends its favorite banned books: The website is sharing its top picks from the roughly 600 offered through the Banned Books USA initiative; Florida residents are eligible to receive these books for the cost of shipping only, in face of the restrictions its elected officials are imposing (Electric Literature).
Categories: Today in Books