Posted on November 10, 2023 at 2:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

BookRiot's weekly roundup of book ban and challenge news kicks off on a bit of a personal note.

Contributor Kelly Jensen discovered that a third school district has banned her book Body Talk — but this time, she discovered that it's in direct retaliation for her coverage of book bans and challenges.

And, she says, unlike certain prominent authors, she doesn't see this as anything to be proud of or as an actual boon to her.

Jensen's book, in the words of its subtitle, explores humans' "radical anatomy," which is a good transition into the next piece of book-challenge news.

The New York Times did an essay examining the variation in taboos in various countries' and cultures' children's books, and one of the prime examples is how much of the human body can be shown.

And finally, we wrap up with the Associated Press's coverage of librarians who, after being fired for their anti-ban stances, are filing workplace discrimination claims with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

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Categories: Today in Books

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