Posted on November 13, 2023 at 12:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Here are the best posts on BookRiot in recent days that we haven't shared yet ...
Check out the new website Indigenous Reads Rising: The nonprofit We Need Diverse Books has launched a new website that aims to help educators incorporate native reading into classrooms, with both recommended books and resources on indigenous literature.
The sexism of the "reverse" trope labels: Jessica Pryde points out that the way we talk about tropes being reversed (particularly in romance) reveals underlying sexist assumptions.
Eight comics based on classic books: Eileen Gonzalez highlights the visual adaptations of well-known and -loved written works from a variety of eras.
Our fascination with Greek mythology: Or, if you prefer much older source material, Julia Rittenberg explores what's behind this recent literary interest in ancient Greece.
Categories: Today in Books