Posted on October 27, 2024 at 8:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
Here are the literary birthdays to celebrate over the week of October 27, 2024.
Dylan Thomas (October 27, 1914): Thomas, whose most celebrated poems include “Poem in October,” “The Hunchback in the Park,” and “Fern Hill,” is considered to be one of the greatest Welsh poets of all time.
Sylvia Plath (October 27, 1932): Plath’s talent in both poetry (“Daddy” and “Lady Lazarus”) and prose (The Bell Jar) were evident from her earliest days; she sold her first poem and short story while still in high school.
Evelyn Waugh (October 28, 1903): Waugh’s best-known novel, Brideshead Revisited, is an earnest family drama, though he’s considered the best satirical novelist of his era.
James Boswell (October 29, 1740): Boswell gained fame during his lifetime for his biography of author Samuel Johnson and then again, many years after his death, when his own extensive, exquisitely written journals were uncovered and published.
Lee Child (October 29, 1954): Child launched the hugely successful Jack Reacher series of books after losing his job as a TV presentation director at age forty.
Paul Valéry (October 30, 1871): Valéry became famous early in his career and quickly for his poetry, with “The Graveyard by the Sea” and “The Young Fate,” though he spent most of his career as an essayist, lecturer, and professor.
Robert Caro (October 30, 1935): Caro has won two Pulitzer Prizes, among many other awards, for his biographies The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York and Master of the Senate (a volume in his Years of Lyndon Johnson collection).
John Keats (October 31, 1795): Keats’s greatest achievement as a poet are his odes, including “On Indolence,” “On a Grecian Urn,” “To Psyche,” and “To a Nightingale.”
Stephen Crane (November 1, 1871): Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage brought him wide praise, despite his lack of military service; he decided to work as a war correspondent to lend more authenticity to his writing, and a naval disaster he survived during that quest led him to write his greatest short story, “The Open Boat.”
Categories: Today in Books