Posted on April 11, 2024 at 8:54 AM by Guest Author

A well-crafted author bio can have a huge impact on readers and help further your career. Discover some useful tips and best practices to write your own. 

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Why Your Author Bio Matters

If you haven’t given much thought to your author bio, you should. Your bio is much more than just a short paragraph at the end of your book. It’s an opportunity to introduce yourself to the world. And if you want to make a positive, memorable impression, you need to give your bio the attention it deserves.

In case you’re not convinced, here are a few reasons your bio matters:

It helps establish your credibility.

Readers want to know who you are and why your words are worth reading. Even if your book is a work of fiction, a well-crafted bio can give you much-needed credibility. That way, people will feel confident in your skills and likely give your book a chance. 

It creates a personal connection. 

To turn potential readers into loyal fans, you need to connect with them. Your bio can do that by showing the person behind the words. Sharing personal details about yourself can help readers relate to you on a deeper level.  

It sets reader expectations.

Your bio can give readers a glimpse into your writing. It offers insight into your writing style, voice, and expertise. By reading your bio, readers can get an idea of what to expect from you and your book.

It plays a role in marketing.  

A great author bio can be a powerful tool in your marketing efforts. It can help you attract readers and strengthen your author brand. You can expand or trim your bio to use it in various materials and on different channels. 

It can open doors to opportunities. 

Readers aren’t the only ones who will read your biography. Other industry professionals will look at it too. By writing a compelling bio, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by agents, publishers, journalists, influencers, and fellow authors. 

What to Include in an Author Bio

Writing an author bio doesn’t mean telling your life story. It means sharing enough to pique people’s interest. The goal is to create a compelling introduction that shapes how others perceive you as an author. And for that, you should include certain elements. 


If your education is relevant to your work, consider including it in your bio. Maybe you have a degree in creative writing. Perhaps you majored in an area of study that provided you with insight into the plot or subject matter of your book. In either case, sharing where you went to school and what degree you received can lend credibility to your writing. 


Did you grow up in or frequently visit the place where your book is set? Were you inspired to write your book due to unique circumstances? Did a past job give you knowledge or experience in a particular area? 

Think about these questions as you write your author biography. Something in your background probably led you to write your book. Even a small anecdote can prove interesting to readers. 


Some authors are shy about mentioning their achievements. However, including achievements in your bio is strongly recommended. It can position you as a serious writer or expert in your field, influencing how readers view your work. 

Here are some achievements worth highlighting:


Ideally, your author biography should give some insight into your primary genre. Those who read it should be able to learn what types of books you write. Make it clear where your focus lies. And if you write across genres, make sure to note that as well. 


Explaining some of your interests can also help readers get to know you as a person. Don’t be afraid to tell them about your passions and motivations — what drives you. If you have any unique hobbies or relevant interests, share those too. 


You may notice that many authors list their location at the end of their bio. However, disclosing where you live isn’t a requirement. You can choose to be vague (e.g., “Jane Smith lives in the Northwest United States.”) or leave it out entirely. It’s a matter of personal preference. 


If you’re comfortable with it, you can mention something about your family members or pets. Again, you can be vague in the interest of protecting your privacy. Like with your interests, sharing personal details can make you seem more “real” to readers. 

Tips on Author Bios for New Authors

Writing an author bio can be challenging, especially if you’re just starting your writing career. That’s why we highlighted some best practices below. Use these tips to guide you in brainstorming, formatting, and polishing your bio.  

Get inspiration from other authors.

When you’re unsure about what to put in your author bio, looking at examples from other authors can help. Start by reviewing the bios of debut and self-published authors, as they’ll likely be more relevant. Consider the things they’ve included and equivalents in your own life. 

That doesn’t mean you should avoid big-name authors though. You can still learn a lot by glancing at their biographies, even if they’re at different career stages. A fun exercise is to check out early bios of famous authors

Keep it short.

For a biography, longer isn’t better. In fact, it’s best to make it descriptive yet concise. A good rule of thumb is to limit your bio to about 100 words — at least for the one in the back of your book.  

Create multiple versions. 

By creating multiple versions of your bio, you can give yourself options. A 100-word bio may be enough for the back of your book but insufficient for other uses. For instance, you may need a short version for social media and a long version for your Amazon Author Page. Once you’ve written your main biography, scale up or down to create a 50-word version, 150-word version, and 300-word version. 

Write in the third person. 

There’s a reason author biographies are written in the third person. It gives greater authority to the introduction. Although it’s tempting to write in first person when talking about yourself, curb the impulse. 

Be authentic. 

Your author biography is meant to be about you — no one else. Use the same creativity you applied to your book to write your bio. Be authentic and showcase your personality. Don’t try to emulate other authors or include cliches. 

Focus on yourself. 

When you’re a new author, you may not have any achievements, other titles, or even a specific genre to highlight. In that case, focus on yourself. Emphasize interesting background information and experiences or incorporate more personal details. 

When to Update Your Bio

Once you’ve written your author bio, you may assume your work is done. But that’s not the case. It’s important to keep your bio up to date, so it remains fresh and relevant. 

Some experts recommend updating your bio at the end of every year. However, there isn’t really a set rule. In general, you should refresh your bio once you have…

  • Released more titles

  • Won awards

  • Earned recognition

  • Moved locations

Depending on what you choose to share, you may also want to update information about your family. 

It’s also a good idea to review your bio and eliminate old anecdotes or background information as the years go on. 


Having a strong author bio is crucial. It allows people to learn about you and your work. And it can determine whether readers get your book or not. Even if you’re a brand-new author, it’s well worth taking the time to craft a short yet compelling biography. Just make sure to update it as you advance in your career!

Categories: Behind the scenes

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