Posted on January 23, 2025 at 1:05 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The publishing experts we follow have plenty of advice to offer, spanning a variety of topics.
Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:
How authors thrive in a world of AI-generated books: Artificial intelligence is posing challenges for visibility, but Angela Ackerman has ideas on how authors can still stand out (Writers Helping Writers).
TikTok switches off, then back on ... for now: Dan Holloway covers the uncertainty around TikTok's future and the legal troubles that is facing (Alliance of Independent Authors).
Substack for authors: Penny Sansevieri and Amy Cornell discuss how to know whether the newsletter platform Substack is right for your author career (Author Marketing Experts).
Methods for direct and indirect foreshadowing: Editor Tiffany Yates Martin explains how each tool works and ways to employ it in your writing (Jane Friedman).
Stone soup for writers: Kristin Hacken South wonders who else begins with a single nugget of inspiration and gradually works more details in, before maybe even removing that first piece (Writer Unboxed).
Categories: Behind the scenes