Posted on April 24, 2021 at 4:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
A great writer can, of course, make something mundane seem fascinating — or reveal that it is fascinating.
And one might have thought that this was the case for writer Lauren Hough, back in 2018, when her essay about working as a cable guy went viral.
Now, however, with an entire book’s worth of essays about her life out, we know that Hough is both a talented writer and a person who’s lived a remarkable life.
The author discussed several of the jaw-dropping moments revealed in the other essays from Leaving Isn't the Hardest Thing: A Memoir in a recent interview on NPR.
Hough describes living in (and escaping from) a nomadic doomsday Christian cult, her struggles to acclimate to the outside world and to remain in the Air Force as a lesbian, and the various jobs (including cable guy) she held after her discharge.
You can read highlights from her appearance on Fresh Air on NPR’s website or listen to the segment below.
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Categories: Author Interview