Posted on April 7, 2023 at 8:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
This is a literary death roundup, of sorts.
First we have an actual obituary, that of diarist Edith Velmans, who recently died at the age of ninety-seven.
Velmans spent her early teenage years in mortal terror, as a Jew in hiding in the Netherlands, and lost the majority of her family to the Holocaust.
During that time, she kept a diary and went on to publish it as Edith's Story — which won a number of literary prizes in the mid-1990s.
Marianne Velmans, her daughter, writes of her mother's remarkable life and equally remarkable spirit in the Guardian.
Here's the "of sorts" part of the post: another death, that of author Jorge Luis Borges's widow, is literary adjacent.
Maria Kodama died last month but didn't leave a will, according to the Associated Press.
That means there's no written plan in place for the rights to Borges's work.
The AP reports that five of Kodama’s nephews have gone to court to declare themselves their heirs (and thus the owners of those rights plus potential valuable manuscripts).
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