Posted on August 6, 2020 at 2:26 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

Book bloggers are certainly a useful tool in your marketing kit, but just like any other advertising outlet, you need to choose wisely.

Penny Sansevieri talks about the particular strategies that her company, Author Marketing Solutions, employs in a recent podcast episode.

You can take a deep dive by listening to the full segment, but the abbreviated version — available on the AME blog — is that there are better options than calendar-style “tours.”

Instead, your focus should be on finding bloggers who clearly cater to a dedicated, particular following.

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Categories: Behind the scenes

Thanks so much for this. I'm just considering if I should book a book tour for my debut fantasy novel so this was very useful.
Debbie Iancu Haddad | 3/7/22 at 2:08 AM
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