Posted on May 11, 2021 at 9:41 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

The hero’s journey is a concept most writers and students of literature are familiar with.

But they perhaps haven’t heard of the heroine's journey, though they’ve certainly absorbed stories that include it.

What sets the two apart is not the gender of the protagonist, but rather the way in which they approach the obstacles — solo for a hero; with a network for a heroine — and what kind of conclusion they seek (victory for a hero, unity or compromise for a heroine).

Think the recent Wonder Woman movie for a contemporary hero’s journey and the Harry Potter books for a contemporary heroine’s journey.

So, unsurprisingly, writers have different considerations to take as they draft their protagonist’s journey.

Author Gail Carriger appeared on Joanna Penn’s podcast to discuss the key features of a heroine’s journey and the writing/revising strategies an author might take for it.

A transcript of their conversation about writing the heroine’s journey — as well as a link to the audio of it — is available at The Creative Penn.

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Categories: Behind the scenes

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