Posted on October 29, 2021 at 9:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

For decades, the focus of those promoting creative works — movies, TV shows, books, music — has been on pushing the new.

That focus on the new, though, is now old, says Kristine Kathryn Rusch.

Instead, what indie authors should be thinking of (and what streaming-service providers are well aware of) is the importance of new-to-me.

How many times have you read an author for the first time and gone straight to their backlist, after all? 

So the question for your promotional efforts shouldn’t necessarily be what’s most fresh — it’s what’s most relevant right now.

Rusch gives several illustrative examples of why all intellectual property is now the new prime-time or frontlist on her blog. 

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Categories: Behind the scenes

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