Posted on May 5, 2023 at 11:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

The publishing experts we follow have plenty of craft, marketing, and business advice to offer.

Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:

The AI-assisted artisan author: Joanna Penn is an optimist and sees the positive potential in all sorts of technology, including artificial intelligence, but there's no denying it has the potential for some huge changes; so she's written a post to help her work through what ChatGPT and its like might mean for authors like herself (The Creative Penn).

Building an author mailing list: Dan Parsons and Melissa Addey dedicate an episode of their Beginners Self-Publishing podcast to how writers can create a mailing list from scratch (and why it's valuable) (Alliance of Independent Authors).

How to write a novel with two or more narratives: Author Elle Marr is a fan of the dual-narrative format, but it's not for everyone or for every novel; she shares her thoughts on how to know when it's right for you and your book (Writer's Digest).

The fascinating neuroscience of scene: Author, editor, and book coach Susan DeFreitas breaks down why it is that scene feels so powerful to readers, in order for other writers to understand how to write as evocatively as possible (Jane Friedman).

Categories: Behind the scenes

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