Posted on December 5, 2023 at 11:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

The publishing experts we follow have plenty of craft, marketing, and business advice to offer.

Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:

  • Nail an opening scene by checking your TV: Journalist and novelist Barbara Josselsohn unlocked the secret of how to start a novel by ... procrastinating and watching the pilot episode of the TV show Gilmore Girls (Writer's Digest).

  • How to write a poem: Dave Chesson defines this particular literary form and provides tips on getting the creative process started (Kindlepreneur).

  • Secrets and tips for landing your book on a bestseller list: Penny Sansevieri and Amy Cornell offer advice on attaining this particular milestone, while reminding you that it's not an end to any marketing efforts (Author Marketing Experts). 

  • Prize judges and bestsellers: Dan Holloway applauds two instances of the curtain being pulled back in the publishing world — namely, admitting that literary prize judges can't read every single entry and adding coverage of indie authors in the form of a new bestseller list (Alliance of Independent Authors).

Categories: Behind the scenes

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