Posted on April 16, 2024 at 10:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
It can be hard to keep on top of all the blogs and news sources that aim to help writers.
So here’s a roundup of posts from the Alliance of Independent Authors that authors might find valuable — but also might've missed earlier — all in one place.
Fairly Trained certifies its first AI platform: Dan Holloway has text and audio on the announcement that the company KL3M has ethically trained its artificial intelligence platform.
The differing AI concerns of creators and regulators: Holloway reports on legislative action in the UK and a survey of authors and what it shows us about attitudes toward AI.
Font selection may make print more sustainable: HarperCollins says it's made a small change in typeface that has saved 245.6 million pages, or more than 5,000 trees; this story links to another one on the carbon impact of print and audio.
Draft2Digital partners with Fable app: Holloway puts his own take on the press release from D2D on its new retail distribution deal.
Categories: Behind the scenes