Posted on May 29, 2024 at 12:44 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The publishing experts we follow have plenty of business and marketing advice to offer.
Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:
Navigating the Amazon book review minefield: Penny Sansevieri and Amy Cornell discuss how to minimize the risk that your Kindle reviews — or, worse, your account — could be flagged for removal (Author Marketing Experts).
Reaching the unreachable target reader: Sansevieri and Cornell also discussed how to find the voracious readers who aren't using social media to find books to buy (Author Marketing Experts).
Plan for success in your indie author business: Joanna Penn interviews author Adam Beswick about setting up a strong foundation for your writing career (The Creative Penn).
The marketing forever mindset: Similarly, one panel at the Self-Publishing Advice Conference invited multiple authors to describe the mental approach they take to the ongoing task of marketing books (Alliance of Independent Authors).
Categories: Behind the scenes