Posted on July 2, 2024 at 10:07 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
There's plenty to analyze in the publishing world this week.
ALLi's Dan Holloway gives his two cents’ worth on the first ten titles coming from new publishing company Authors Equity, along with reporting on moves from TikTok and the American Booksellers Association to counteract Amazon's Prime Day.
Author Michael Castleman examines what it is about the modern publishing era that lends itself so well to scam artists at Writer Unboxed; he also shared an excerpt from his latest work, The Untold Story of Books: A Writer’s History of Book Publishing, that describes the history of class divides in books on Jane Friedman's blog.
And on a more uplifting note, ALLi founder Orna Ross discusses how choosing your top publishing value — productivity, connection, and originality — will also guide your marketing strategy.
Categories: Behind the scenes