Posted on July 24, 2024 at 11:00 AM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek
The publishing experts we follow have plenty of craft advice to offer.
Here are the ones that we thought were can't-miss for our authors:
On crafting revenge stories in fiction: Author Jill Baguchinsky walks you through the do's and don'ts she encountered while writing a tale of vengeance (Writer's Digest).
Moving characters around in your story space: Follow along as author Susanne Dunlap applies her advice on choreographing a scene to her actual work in progress (Jane Friedman).
Five vehicles for adding subtext to dialogue: Speech is another arena in which description can feel heavy-handed, so Becca Puglisi shares her thoughts on how to set your readers up to read between the spoken lines (Writers Helping Writers).
Mastering multiple points of view in writing: Author Céline Keating helps you weigh the pros and cons of adding several narrative voices to your fiction (Women Writers, Women's Books).
How to create a believable magic system in your fantasy story: Developmental editor and book coach Hannah Kate Kelley explains how to make your system both consistent and digestible (Jane Friedman).
Categories: Behind the scenes