Posted on July 25, 2024 at 2:00 PM by Sadye Scott-Hainchek

The world can be a horrible, ugly place, and many of us turn to literature in order to escape that ... 

... but at the same time, not all literature offers a hiding place from it; in fact, it can even feature that brutality.

Here are three writers' reflections on both sides of this coin.

  • Self-censorship: Kristin Hacken South discusses her experiences with what various media consumers will categorize as hard no's and with writing a scene that she herself might consider, as a reader, to be a hard no (Writer Unboxed).

  • Writing for young people in the age of #MeToo: Melanie Conklin explains why she thinks it's crucial for herself and other writers to include sensitive topics like sexual harassment in literature, even — especially, even — for younger readers (Writer's Digest).

  • The point of writing: Barbara O'Neal reflects on the value and power of literature that takes us away from the gritty reality of the world (Writer Unboxed).

Categories: Behind the scenes

Tagged As: Writing advice

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